The City Of You

by | Feb 5, 2025 | Uncategorized | 1 comment


Optimal Health=Optimal Life

In this high paced time of our world today, we need a combination of nutritional, emotional, and mental well-being for wholeness and wellness to function at its optimum. Nutrition is a functional place to begin and the foundation on which you build your daily health and for decades to come. Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle can happen gracefully in a way that makes sense, won’t interfere with your busy life, and comes with joy. Once established, these habits will last a lifetime.

The City of You

Think of your cells as living beings within the city of you and how optimal nutrition gives them life. Decreasing their toxic load gives them room to breathe and thrive. Joyfulness and peacefulness release polypeptides to bathe the neurotransmitters and create healthy cells. These are your working team to keep the city alive and well and you supply the tools and supplies. Poor Nutrition, stress, and toxic input can destroy the working team, one by one, sometimes many at a time, leaving the others weak and disadvantaged. Transportation can go down. The electrical grid can be on the brink. What happens when the trash collection does not show up for a few weeks? Everything is connected and working together starting at the cellular level. Life force is enhanced here. Life force is the power company in the city of you.The power company is necessary for all other operations to continue. If there is pollution (illness, poor nutrition, lifestyle choices) the plant operates at a much lower output level working under adverse conditions. A malfunction in the physical body appears long after the problem began on a cellular level.

Steps to Wellness

Your body is an amazing bio-energetic masterpiece that can keep the system functioning and problems at bay until it has to go somewhere and manifest as an ailment. Your body also has the dynamic ability to regenerate and thrive, given the opportunity.Taking small steps to align your daily nutritional practices with the optimizing the city of you are first steps to a lifetime of wellness.

More Alive Now Tips

  • Read Labels: Taking the few moments to read the product label and ingredient list is an eye opening educational experience on its own. When you see all the elements of what goes into a product it can transform you on the spot. If there are an unending list of ingredients, or if you can’t pronounce the words, there are numbers, dyes, and genetically modified additives, then pass. Find another product with a better at least with one step better. Less ingredients, less sugar, no Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s), organic, something that makes it one choice better than the initial choice.
  • Drink more water: Most of us are dehydrated. The city of you cannot function optimally without enough water. By a water bottle and take your water with you wherever you go. A life changing habit to create. The type of water you drink is discussed in “Water, Water Everywhere, but Which One Do I Drink?”- but for first steps, just get in the habit of daily hydration as a norm.
  • Change your salt: Table salt is a chemical made in the lab consisting of sodium and chloride (NaCl). We have have all heard how bad salt is for us. And , yes, NaCl is bad for you. Two minerals in a disproportionate form that is detrimental to your system. Throw it out. Whole salt, in its original more alive form has 72-84 (some say more) minerals in its natural form, ready for your body to use in the city of you. Try sustainably harvested Himalayan salt, Celtic, or Baja Gold to upgrade your toolkit starting today.

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